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Radiate. Executive Coaching


Group Leadership Coaching & Development

Unlock Leadership Team Potential

Radiate. Bright & Brilliant Coaching


  • 6 hours of group coaching sessions with skills transfer as required(1.5 - 2hrs session duration)

  • A copy of Sarah’s best-selling book, Leader Unleashed, for all participants

  • A session summary and action plan from the coach after each session.

  • Core Values Assessment

  • Emotional Intelligence & Confidence Self-Assessment​

All options are priced based on 6 leaders maximum per session. ​​


Additional leaders joining the programme will incur a charge of £750 per person + VAT

Four brilliant options.

You will find 4 options (Foundation, Bronze, Silver, Gold) that will suit every need and budget.

The more you invest, the more your team will grow and the greater the results you will achieve.



Coaching & Development
3-6 Month Programme for 3-6 Leaders

From £7,000 +VAT


Coaching & Development
6-12 Month Programme for 3-8 Leaders

From £14,000 +VAT


Coaching & Development 
12-Month Programme for 3-8 Senior Leaders

From £20,000 +VAT


Coaching & Development 
12-Month Programme for 3-6 Executives

From £30,000 +VAT
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Team coaching amplifies the impact of leadership development by embedding individual growth into a group context, ensuring that lessons learned are applied within the real-world challenges of team dynamics.

– Jennifer Garvey Berger

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Brilliant results...

The start point with Sarah is always the reality check, personal and situational assessments, when done correctly are the foundation for any improvement journey, but she takes this a step further and really hits the "Why" of any start point. That self-reflection for a person or business can be painful or at least uncomfortable, and Sarah makes no bones or excuses about getting to the heart of any issues. Sarah is no blunt instrument though, her engaging and positive personality does make the process more effective, in that her style makes teams want to bare their soul, with objectivity and honesty.

Alan Dunbar

We develop bright & brilliant leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions.

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