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Is it “the blind leading the blind” in your team?

Writer's picture: Sarah FarmerSarah Farmer

Do you know where this originates from?

We first read this idiom back in the 15th Century! Clearly, the notion of an inexperienced person being led by someone equally inexperienced has been a trend of human existence for centuries!

The chances of breaking that cycle now appear to be pretty slim. It almost comes with the job…right?

So, are you feeling out of your depth in your current role? I know it's hard to admit, that's why so many professionals don't 🤐

I guarantee that there are many professionals like you who feel out of their depth, self-conscious or sometimes downright terrified of what lies ahead. Often, all you need is a bit of time, someone to ‘hear’ you and the right type of support. But even if you’ve been doing this for years, there is a secret that you need to master first.

Any ideas?

You need to learn how to lead yourself. Self-leadership always comes before 'people leadership' success.

Sounds unusual, but I bet if you read on, you’ll see exactly what I mean.

It starts with some honest of the key factors of Emotional intelligence.

Can you answer the following?

  • What winds me up? Do I know what really pushes my buttons? Am I aware of how I can come back from such a situation? How am I managing my stress and remaining professional? Who triggers me? When am I most likely to experience feelings of frustration?

  • Do I allow these triggers to impact my thinking or feelings? Am I able to shut down that inner critic? Do I know when to remove myself from a stressful situation before it negatively impacts my emotional state? Can I recognise them early enough to avoid them setting in?

  • Can I control my response? Do I have the right tools, techniques and a clear strategy to prevent a knee-jerk reaction? What support do I need to prevent an inappropriate response?

It’s a real challenge but so doable - I’ve been there, done that AND got the t-shirt. I am talking from experience…..but not just mine, my clients are doing this too and achieving stand-out results.

Undergoing such a transformation takes commitment, discipline, resilience and for the majority…support!

But you know what? You CAN do it! You just need to break the habits that are holding you back...

You could:

  • Try some breathing exercises

  • Start meditating

They are nice but they won’t change much…...for this to happen we need to do a bit of deeper work and then we can start to effectively re-wire the brain 🧠

Whilst you’re mulling this over why not take my new quiz to rate your current level of Emotional Intelligence…how much emotional self-control do you think you have? Take it today and find out this and so much more!!

And for those who want to find out if self-perception = reality, get in touch and let's take this to the next level. I'm game when you are 🔆

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